Friday, April 20, 2007

A poopy conversation

A conversation I had this morning with my boyfriend:

Him: I need to unlooooaaaad!

Me: Then do it!

Him: But if you save it there will be more!

then a little later:

Him: It was a good unload, by the way.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Guess What These Are...

Leave your guesses in the comment section..

Monday, April 2, 2007

Tax on Farting

My favourite April Fool's joke story is from:

Sundsvalls Tidning: Utsläppsskatt för människor med gasbesvär ska införas.

Which means, "Emissions Tax for people with gas problems to be introduced."

and my second favourite is from:

Sydsvenskan: För att komma åt problemet med hundbajs på gatorna ska Region Skåne placera ut särskilda pantautomater där hundägarna kan lämna jyckarnas exkrementer.
Och panten då? Jodå, två kronor
hektot får husse och matte.

Which means, "To get a hold of the problem with dog poop on the streets,
the Skåne Region will place out special pay-machines where dog owners kan leave dog excrement. And does it pay? Yes of course, the master and mistress get 2 crowns per hundred grams."